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Ways to Give

Ways to Support Saint. Paul's


The Promise Fund provides real dollars to pay for real expenses in the year that this money is raised.  Gifts made to the Promise Fund directly benefit the students, faculty, staff and the entire Saint Paul's community.  The Promise Fund supports the schools operating budget, and without it, we wouldn't be able to sustain programming, technological advances and professional development at the level we expect and our children deserve.

It is by far the single most important fundraising effort for Saint Paul's Episcopal School each year.


Gifts in honor provide a meaningful, living tribute to a friend, relative, or colleague by commemorating a special occasion. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events with an in honor gift to Saint Paul's in tribute to that special person. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a personalized letter sent to the honored individual or their family.

You can also remember a special person or express your sympathy with a memorial gift to Saint Paul's Episcopal School. A memorial is a personal remembrance that honors a deceased friend, relative, or colleague. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a personalized letter sent to the honoree’s family.

All gift amounts are confidential unless otherwise specified.

Through thoughtful planning and long-term consideration, a planned gift is one of the most personal gifts a donor can make. These gifts take many forms including bequests or a gift from your will, trusts, life insurance, or real estate. We would be honored to add your name to the list of our Saint Paul's Legacy members today.

To discuss your planned giving options, please contact Missie Greenawalt at

Does your employer match charitable contributions for gifts that you make to qualified nonprofits?  If you're not sure, please consider asking your employer's HR department if they have a matching gift program.  If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit Saint Paul's Episcopal School, please email SPES Head of School M'Lissa Howen ( or 254.753.0246) for assistance.

More info to come on how your Office Depot purchases can benefit SPES!

Donate to Promis